
Encontro International de Empreendedores Sociais na Africa do Sul, Junho 2008. Organizado pela Schwab Foundation

Africa Social Entrepreneurs’ Meeting 2008
June 3, Cape Town, South Africa

"Matching Resources to Sustainable Solutions in Africa"

The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship has firmly established itself as the foremost platform for the interaction of leading social entrepreneurs and influential leaders of business, government and civil society by linking them to the global network of the World Economic Forum.

On 3 June this year, in anticipation of the World Economic Forum on Africa (4-6 June), the Schwab Foundation will be hosting a full interactive day meeting, styled on its successful Global Social Entrepreneurs Summit in Zurich.

This year’s meeting will mark the first gathering of social entrepreneurs with resource providers in Africa. providing a unique platform for social entrepreneurs and senior people of foundations, investment banks, private equity firms, corporations, media companies and academic institutions engaged in Africa to interact.

The theme of the Summit, Matching Resources With Sustainable Solutions In Africa, will review the ways “resource providers” engage and learn from the models and approaches of social entrepreneurs, and how social entrepreneurs make the most of the opportunity to advance their respective missions and models.

For more information, contact francois.bonnici@schwabfound.org

The event brochure: http://www.schwabfound.org/docs/web/Africa%20Social%20Entrepreneurs%20Meeting_Promotion.pdf
The programme: http://www.schwabfound.org/docs/web/PreliminaryProgramme_AfricaSEMeeting_2008.pdf

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O que é um Negócio Social?

Organização cuja missão é explícitamente de transformação social e que para isso adota estratégias de negócios geradoras de renda como principal veículo para atingir seu propósito social, impactando diretamente a vida de populações fragilizadas. Pode assumir um modelo com ou sem finalidade lucrativa, mas sua autonomia financeira é dada pela atividade-fim da empresa. Os principais campos de atuação são: alimentação, serviços financeiros, acesso à energia e água potável, desenvolvimento econônomico, saúde, etc.